Angelic Reiki Training (including attunements, initiations, healings . . .) confers far, far more than just the ability to work with powerful angelic healing energies.
Angelic Reiki is also a profound aid to personal and spiritual development.
I congratulate you on your decision to commence - or further - your ‘journey with Angelic Reiki’ and I draw your attention to the following:
Whilst initiation into Angelic Reiki is a truly profound experience, treated with and deserving of appropriate respect, please note that the nature of the courses I offer is gentle and supportive, with many light hearted moments.
Kay Zega
The therapies, training and services on this website are not offered as a cure or as a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. The information provided on this website, expressed or implied, is for the purposes of information only; it is not given as medical advice. If you have a health problem, health question or medical emergency you are advised to consult your doctor.